Detoxification, opening of the channels, stimulation of circulation.
It acts positively on the immune system and on the self-healing power of the organism. Promotes the elimination of toxins through the opening of the canals (srota); eliminates physical and mental fatigue (produced by toxins) and reduces disharmony and stress by stimulating the immune system; has a beneficial effect on circulation and joints; favors the drainage of liquids; mitigates the aging process and has highly positive effects on disorders related to anxiety, depression and insomnia.
Treatment for states of deep stress, tension, anxiety and insomnia.
It has a profound relaxation action on the body and mind. Relieves tensions, anxiety, fears and promotes a good quality of sleep by counteracting insomnia. It improves the quality of sight, taste and smell, gives a sense of well-being, deeply nourishes the physiology with a rejuvenating action that is transmitted to the skin making it appear relaxed, healthy and luminous. This treatment is always preceded by an oleation with hot herbalised ayurvedic oil.
Treatment with hot bundles with herbal powders.
This treatment is part of the Sweda Karma treatments (which induce sweating). It stimulates the perspiration favoring therefore elimination of toxins, relaxes and purifies with purifying, warming, soothing, fortifying and relaxing action. Tones the tissues and is useful for cellulite, overweight, fatigue. It reactivates circulation, promotes lymphatic drainage, promotes relaxation, makes the skin soft and velvety and generally revitalizes all body tissues.
Treatment with hot oil and herbal powders.
Udvartana treatment provides a full body massage with herbal oil and herbal powders. It is one of the detoxing treatments par excellence of Ayurvedic practice as it cleans the channels (Srota) in depth: it is therefore effective as a treatment to counteract cellulite and localized fat deposits. It has an exfoliating effect that improves the health and appearance of the skin.
Treatment with raw silk gloves.
Thanks to its special dexterity made with delicate gloves of precious raw silk this treatment has an energizing and stimulating effect on both the metabolism and the blood and lymphatic circulation. It gives a feeling of lightness and vitality, improves the appearance of the skin and helps drain excess fluids. It is followed by an oleation with warm herbalised ayurvedic oil.
Treatment for states of deep stress, tension, anxiety and insomnia.
It has a profound relaxation action on the body and mind. Relieves tensions, anxiety, fears and promotes a good quality of sleep by counteracting insomnia. It improves the quality of sight, taste and smell, gives a sense of well-being, deeply nourishes the physiology with a rejuvenating action that is transmitted to the skin making it appear relaxed, healthy and luminous. This treatment is preceded by the Shanti Mardana massage, where Ayurvedic techniques blend with Western techniques to give a state of profound well-being and relaxation.
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